Xsheesha Hookah Lounge

3712 Belt Line Rd, Addison, TX 75001
Regular Hours: Wed. - Sun. 8PM-2AM
Special Hours: Fri. - Sun. 2:30AM-4:30AM
Happy Hours: Wed. - Thu. 5PM-8PM
Fri: Rap & Hiphop W/ Dj Brian
Fri Special: Jorge & MaxTomi
Sat: Rap & Hiphop W/ Dj Stream
Sat Special: Yemi & MaxTomi

The Most Metropolitan's Attractive Hookah Lounge
Established in 2008, the Xsheesha Hookah Lounge has developed a reputation for the finest in hookah. When you come to the Xsheesha Hookah Lounge lounge in Addison,TX, you can be sure you are getting the best quality product and service at a price that constitutes the best value available anywhere.
The lounge has become a favorite hangout not only of students, but also of folks from all walks, hardcore hookah connoisseurs as well as celebrities looking for a place to relax for a bit. In addition to the best hookah available anywhere in the DFW area, we have the coolest, friendliest servers, most comfortable furniture, TVs (Sport, News, Movies, TV shows channels), and by far the cleanest space around. We offer premium shisha, the best music playlists (and we can meet virtually any song request),however here is a B.Y.O.B place, games, and an opportunity to socialize with your friends as well as meet new hookah buddies. We also proudly promote an event 7 days a week.
But, more than atmosphere, cozy comforts, and great value, Xsheesha has always been first and foremost about the very best in hookah. From the finest, freshest, aromatic, honey-marinated shisha to top-quality hookah products, Xsheesha is synonymous with a premium hookah experience. Xsheesha is, indeed, Hookah Heaven on Earth.


Special Frouit Head Hookahs
Social Smoke & Egyptian Hookahs

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